Anti-Americanism does Miss Universe
Here is Michelle Malkin on the poor treatment of Miss USA in Mexico recently:
On Monday night, the beautiful young woman who represented
America in the Miss Universe pageant was booed and mocked as she competed on
stage in Mexico City. Rachel Smith, 22, did her best to respond with grace and
dignity during the top-five finalists’ interview segment as the audience
disrupted the event. As soon as co-host Vanessa Minnillo invited Miss USA to
pick a judge’s name from a bowl of index cards, widespread howls broke out at
the mere mention of “USA.”
The verbal derision continued as judge Tony Romo asked Smith
to pick one moment in her life she would relive.Definitely not this one.Smith
soldiered through her answer, describing an educational trip to South Africa.
Catcalls and whistles nearly drowned out Smith’s reply until she wrapped up with
“Buenos noches, Mexico.”I wouldn’t have been so polite.
Maybe we should open our borders and then everyone will like us, right? Yeah right. Keep the pressure on the politicians, folks.