Democrats Reject Iraq pullout, cash cutoff
The Turn of the Tide as reported by the Washington Times: Sen. James H. Webb Jr., a Virginia Democrat who voted against "Recent initiatives from Secretary of StateThe Senate yesterday overwhelmingly rejected a bid to pull out
troops from Iraq and cut off funds for combat, a bruising defeat for Majority
Leader Harry Reid that highlights the Democratic split over how far to go in
opposing the war. The amendment, which was co-sponsored
by Mr. Reid, Nevada Democrat, died in a 67-29 procedural vote, with 47
Republicans, 19 Democrats and one independent blocking the plan to start a troop
withdrawal in 120 days and cut off funds March 31 to most military operations in
Iraq. "We don't want to send the message to the troops"
that they lost the backing of Congress, said Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan,
chairman of the Armed Services Committee and one of several key Democrats to
defect. "We're going to support those troops."
The Dems are even praising Bush's diplomatic efforts:
the amendment, said a majority of lawmakers oppose the war, but cutting off
funds and pulling out troops undercuts the Bush administration's diplomatic
Rice, Ambassador Crocker and Admiral Fallon, the new commander of the Central
Command, hold out the hope, if not the promise, that we might actually start to
turn this thing around," Mr. Webb said on the Senate floor.
I knew, knew, knew, knew, knew, knew, knew, knew, knew, knew they wouldn't cut funding!!!!! After the debacle of Vietnam, which is constantly blamed on the Democrats (though they had help from the Right) no one wants to be known as the Party of Defeat. Read this and this.
At the risk of offending Senator Harry Reid, let me say:
The War is Won.