Why the Bush Veto
Yesterday, in one of the most important speeches and dramatic moments of his Presidency, George Bush used the power of his office to prevent a hostile takeover of the executive branch by the Democrat Congress (not the first time this has occurred in recent history). According to Pajamas Media, here are Bush's reasons for the veto:
1) It sets a rigid and artificial deadline for withdrawal.
2) It makes no sense to tell the enemy when you plan to start withdrawing.
A deadline for withdrawal would demoralize Iraqis and encourage killers. A date
for withdrawal is setting a date for failure. The bill would determine how
troops would fight.
3) This bill is full of pork.
I think this is another page turner in the Conflict. Though, resistance to the war is far from over, attempts to stop funding of our troops will likely end due to public pressure. Anyway, our own infighting using the democratic process is nothing compared to Al Qaeda's own civil wars.