Aircraft Carrier Vs. Cruise Missile 18
As reported by the Washington Times:
...China's normally secretive military has revealed a new
version of the DF-21 short-range missile, also known as the CSS-6, that is
outfitted with an advanced guided warhead...the shorter-range DF-21 missile is
China's first anti-ship ballistic missile designed to attack U.S. aircraft
carriers and other warships. New Chinese radar and photographic satellites are
signs that the new anti-ship ballistic missile may be close to initial
operational status, the report said.
The new anti-ship ballistic missile poses a serious threat to
U.S. ships because "the U.S. does not have anti-missile capabilities to defend
large U.S. ships against this threat, so vulnerable targets, most importantly
aircraft carriers, will have to remain out of missile range in order to
survive," the report said.
The report also discloses for the first time that
China has deployed its third Type 093 nuclear-powered attack submarine, which
also was pictured for the first time this week on a Chinese Web
If they must remain out of missile range, what good are they? Considering the short range of US naval aircraft, the big carriers might soon find their mission replaced by long-range cruise missiles.