Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Churchill Firing a Victory for Free Speech

There’s a wide gulf existing between Free Speech and Irresponsible Speech. Apparently the Media and Academic definition of the first is “anything goes”. The only time they are for censorship is when their patriotism is questioned by conservatives, or their morality by Christians.

Just as Radical Islam is turning some against all religions (consider Christopher Hitchens new book "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything"), abusers of our 1st Amendment are giving democracy a black eye. Hate talk such as the type put forth by Ward Churchill, which instills rage and paranoia without reasonable facts to back it up, has no place in the public discord.

During the World War 2 Era, such speech was self-censored by the Media, who voluntarily held back stories which could help the Nazi enemy and lead to the deaths of our brave soldiers. Now, the gloves are off,. As Liberal Elites consider all wars unjust, there are no military actions our government can take which isn’t overly-scrutinized and overly-criticized.

This belated action by Churchill’s superiors may give hope to a public which is beginning to wonder if our freedoms still bring responsibility and real discord. If we fail in protecting this basic right, then what hope does the new democracies in the Middle East see in our way of life? This action in firing Churchill is a first step in taking back freedom of speech from those who would abuse it.