Democrats for a pullout. Not really.
Read this from former Clinton aid Dick Morris:
When the House of Representatives voted, on July 12,
2007 — by a margin of 223-201 — against the Iraq war, the news media
characterized the bill as requiring a “withdrawal” from that war-torn country. Media reports said that the legislation required the start of withdrawal in four months and mandated that it be completed by April of 2008.
Nonsense. The bill did nothing of the sort. Rather, it
specified that its goal was to “require the secretary of defense to commence the reduction of the number of United States armed forces in Iraq to a limited presence by April 1, 2008” (emphasis added).
And this may happen anyway, if the Surge continues to show success. If I didn't know better, I'd say Harry Reid is purposely making his own Party appear anti-war to garner more sympathy for the Bush-Petraeus strategy and make his own Party appear weak, thus tanking any chance for Liberal control of Congress continuing in 2008, because this is exactly what's happening.
This is interesting, apparently Sen. Reid was an early casualty of his own All Nighter.