Sunday, July 15, 2007

"A pivotal moment in the Iraq war"

This is from Bill Kristol over at the Weekly Standard:

Now, the assumption in the media, and among most in the
political world, remains that the Defeatists have the momentum, that Bush is
fighting a rearguard action, and that his retreat at home, and U.S. defeat
abroad, are basically inevitable.

But what if this week is a harbinger of things to come? What
if the Defeatists have overplayed their hand? What if they continue to sound the
tocsin of defeat—and the president, and the commanders, and the soldiers, don't
snap to and obey? What if the surge continues to show better and better results,
and the Bush administration does a more effective job of communicating them? If
so, this past week could turn out to have been a pivotal moment in the Iraq

As I've said before, the War against the War is unraveling. The Defeatists' message of doom and gloom is being diverted into myriad eddies and flows of the Internet and Talk Radio, and is becoming watered down, and ultimately ignored. American's know they are safer and are headed to the Mall, leaving the fighting, and sadly the dieing, to the experts on the front lines.