Sunday, July 08, 2007

Republican Opportunism

Interesting Commentary from Scott at Powerline:

Now that Republican Senators Lugar, Warner, Voinovich, and Domenici
are bailing out on the war, we see the face of Republican opportunism. In the
process of bailing,
Domenici invoked the Iraq Study Group Report
("Mr. Domenici said he would push for legislation that essentially enacted the
recommendations of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group") and Lugar is a kindred
spirit on this score. Republican opportunism manifests itself in a reversion to
the establishment realism of James Baker.

If the revolt of the Base over the Immigration Bill wasn't enough, Republicans in Congress are now joining the Ted Kennedy "lose at any cost" crowd. Certainly some strange bedfellows. I hate partisanship too, but selling out your principles is far worse.