Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Scooter dodges the bullet

Bush is back! Here's the official word:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States
of America, pursuant to my powers under Article II, Section 2, of the
Constitution, do hereby commute the prison terms imposed by the sentence upon
the said Lewis Libby to expire immediately, leaving intact and in effect the
two-year term of supervised release, with all its conditions, and all other
components of the sentence.

At best, the sentence was way too harsh. At worst, Libby was the victim of a Liberal hit-job, when they couldn't get Bush, Cheney, or Rove.

Here's some reaction from the AP.

Sen. Harry Reid issues this statement revealing his Party's impotence over taking down even this minor Bush official: "Libby’s conviction was the one faint glimmer of accountability for White House efforts to manipulate intelligence and silence critics of the Iraq War. Now, even that small bit of justice has been undone."

The War against the War seems to be unraveling.

More: Hot Air has lotta links.