Monday, July 02, 2007

A Shift in the Balance of Power

Mark Steyn details how the will of the people stifled the emirs in Washington:

On the eve of Independence Day, the people of this great republic
declared their independence from the United States Senate under the stirring
battle-cry, "No legislation without explanation!" The geniuses who'd cooked up
the "comprehensive" immigration bill's "grand bargain" behind the scenes in the
pork-filled rooms had originally planned to ram it through in 48 hours before
Memorial Day. And, right to the end, the bipartisan Emirs-for-life of
Incumbistan gave the strong impression they regarded it as an affront to be
required by the impertinent whippersnappers of the citizenry to address the
actual content of the legislation.
Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., dismissed
critics of the bill as "racist."
Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, complained
that the peasants had somehow got hold of his phone number, and he felt

"Darn those voters! Who do they think they are, our bosses or something?" Yes we are!