"Shock Troops" Update
Right Wing Nuthouse has more on the questionable New Republic tale which lambasts the troops:
The Editor of The New Republic Franklin Foer must be feeling very
lonely today. His boss, Martin Peretz, has yet to rush to his defense in the
Scott Thomas controversy. The left has been skewering The New Republic for
months over their criticisms of the netroots and their undue influence on the
Democratic party and not surprisingly, are either questioning the Thomas stories
along with their conservative blogging brethren or maintaining a pregnant
silence on the matter.
Foer is maintaining a stiff upper lip and stonewalling
as if his job depended on it. Come to think of it, that’s not far off the mark.
Given that Foer admitted yesterday that he failed to check out the Thomas
stories until questions were raised by conservative bloggers about the veracity
of many of the incidents catalogued by the anonymous diarist, Foer may not be
out the door as Editor quite yet. But Peretz’s silence could signal that he’s
being handed his hat.
My own take is, this sounds eerily like John Kerry's Winter Soldier testimony from the early 70's, more "fake but accurate" stories to promote a Liberal anti-military agenda.
And Powerline has more from TNR editor Franklin Foer.