Monday, September 10, 2007

How the Surge will rescue the Democrat Party

When we speak of the Surge as saving the Iraqi's from falling under the merciless sway of Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda minions, we should also consider the effect victory will have here at home. Besides the obvious which the Right contends, that a win in Iraq will justify the Bush Doctrine, perhaps propel Republicans back in control of Congress, and make us all safer from further terrorist attacks, it may also deter a major American political party from falling into chaos.

Writing in the National Journal, Jonathan Rauch explains: "Here is something that Democrats might want to think about before rushing to shut down the surge: If they managed to ram through a withdrawal or timetable on party lines this fall, when most Republicans think the surge is working, they would be flayed for a generation as the party that seized certain defeat from the jaws of possible victory. For years to come, Republicans would insist that Democratic pusillanimity emboldened jihadism, an ugly narrative that some are already rehearsing."

That view is pretty obvious, but the Democrats themselves are under siege by a less violent but also radical base known as the "Netroots". Led by extreme anti-war Leftists websites like Daily Kos, MoveOn, Media Matters, and others, these terrorism deniers threaten to plunge moderate liberals into a dangerous pre-9/11 mindset, which failed to prevent the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans in 2001, and forced us into this present conflict.

The Netroots possess a deranged notion that President Bush and VP Dick Cheney are somehow a greater threat to world peace than suicide bombers and a nuclear armed Iran. They have sown division and confusion within the Media and the Democrat Party, by spreading rumor and paranoia as fact on the Internet ( including the oft-discredited notion that the government staged the attacks on the World's Trade Center and the Pentagon), thus severely hindering the War on Terror.

Despite threats and protests from the radicals, the Democrats have given Bush most everything he's asked to fight the War on Terror, with much kicking and screaming along the way. They have helped to pass the Patriot Act, authorized every military action taken by the President, and repeatedly funded the troops. Most recently, since gaining control of Congress, many Liberals have endorsed the Surge strategy, at least with their votes, and voted overwhelming to confirm General David Petraeus as the new commander in Iraq. In may even be conceded that if they haven't regained power in 2006, we might still be conducting the same casualty intensive strategy of previous years.

Bottom line: By allowing the Surge to succeed, the Democrats will rightly deserve a place among the victors in the War on Terror, rather than with the defeatists, appeasers, and reckless traitors who blame America for all the world's ills. They will rightly prove themselves the true heirs of Roosevelt, Truman, and Kennedy, rather than Johnson and Carter. To do otherwise will see the final nail in the coffin of the Democratic Party, and the triumph of the Radicals, abroad and here at home.