Tuesday, September 25, 2007

MoveOn attacks Free Speech

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This time they are targeting custom T-shirt maker Cafe Press. From the LA Times:

...it's amazing that MoveOn would try to squelch political speech. That's another clear purpose of the targeted items. Take, for example, this message on a t-shirt designed by a lifelong Democrat from Southern California:

General Petraeus has done more for this country than MoveOn.org. MoveOn.org, the worst friend a Democrat could have! Move Away from Move On!

To its credit, CafePress refused to take down five bumper stickers, and it reinstated a t-shirt that it had taken down briefly in response to MoveOn's initial request.

More proof of McCarthyism from the Radical Left. Apparently they were for Free Speech, before they were against it!

More censorship-From Politico, Clinton campaign kills negative story.

Update-I can't believe this! Even more Clinton crackdowns: Eatery Owner Forced to Remove Picture of Chelsea Clinton From Window.