Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Petraeus Blogging

Here's what's on the Net concerning Our Man in Iraq, recently testifying before Congress:

OpinionJournal-"The success of the surge so far has bought Mr. Bush more time and support to press the initiative in Baghdad and the larger Middle East. He owes it to General Petraeus and U.S. troops to exploit this opening on every front--including Syria and Iran."

Austin Bay-"That microphone failure at the start of Petraeus' dramatic congressional testimony is an ironic reminder...But from now on, every mid-level Iraqi ministry official is going to grin when a U.S. diplomat or reporter asks him how his reconstruction and maintenance operations are going. The sharp-tongued deputy will say, "Our parliament's microphones work."

Cassandra-"It matters little that Petraeus claims to have written his own testimony, free of White House interference. Though they question neither his integrity nor his honor, Congressional Democrats simply cannot trust him! No insult is intended."

Rich Lowry-"The Democrats are angry at Petraeus because they hate his message so much — that we have achieved some progress with the surge. This might be the first time ever that a messenger has been shot for bringing a message of good news."

Peter D. Feaver-"MoveOn's McCarthy moment" (Concerning the ad in the New York Times which mocked Gen. Petraeus as "General Betray-Us").

Information Dissemination- "I would guess my early impressions are like most peoples, the General is clearly more impressive than the people asking the questions, particularly on Monday".

More later (maybe).