Thursday, September 13, 2007

Vandals Deface Vietnam Memorial

Photo and story via Murdoc:

In the above photo (and others available on Flickr), you'll noticed that the memorial has
been sprayed toward the bottom of the wall with some kind of black substance.
Free Republic has also posted photos...
most tragic part of the vandalism is that the damage appears to be permanent
The Park Service employee who talked to me said that the initial diagnosis was
that the oily substance had stained the stone. He said another analysis would
take place tomorrow.

This is so sad, but also a reflection of the times we are living in. No honor, courage, or respect. Be angry, but don't question their patriotism.
In a way I pity such people. I once viewed the Vietnam Memorial Traveling Wall when it visited Charleston a few years back. There was such pride and thankfulness in the air for what these brave men and women sacrificed for our country, the feeling was indescribable. And the lost souls who defaced this hallowed piece of stone will never know such gratitude. Very sad.