Sunday, October 14, 2007

Honest News

U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Julia Venegas, from 2nd Marine Logistics Group, shakes hands with a little girl in the village of Kabani, Iraq, while on a security patrol Sept. 28, 2007. U.S. Marine Corps photo

Iraq Sees Dramatically Low Death Toll.

Coalition forces clear former insurgent stronghold.

Medal of Honor Goes to Navy SEAL.

The numbers tell the story: The surge in Iraq is working.

Stryker Cavalry ridding Baghdad of bombs, ‘bad guys.

Pentagon: Military Meets Recruitment Goals for the Year.

Sunnis, Shias put differences aside for peace.

Pushing for Peace in North Waziristan.

Blogs target jihadis online.

Democrats Edge Away From Troop Withdrawal Legislation.

British Lt. Col. Patrick Sanders on the reality in Basra.

Top Al Qaeda Mastermind in North Africa Killed in Algeria.

Iranian Students Demonstrate Against Ahmadinejad.

Politics of Blackwater.

Petraeus: "Absolutely no question" of Iranian Involvement.