A Facelift and Shady Deals in Branchville
Interesting Journal post concerning my hometown of Branchville SC, on who's restoring the old dilapidated railroad depot:
...In recent months, the Town of Branchville has put out for bids a contract for the repairs and face lift of the long neglected freight depot.
It has been reported that all of the returned bids were too far over the dollar figure necessary for the limited funds which are available for the work to be done.
So after failing to find a company by using the proper means, which allows those in the free market to have a fair chance of being hired by the Town of Branchville, they decided to, instead, use a backroom type of hiring.
And, guess who was chosen to do the job for the amount of funds in hand.
You guessed it.
It was the same company who provided the Mayor of Branchville with the necessary survey to allow him to continue in office and to continue his controversial manner of governing the Town of Branchville which receives headline news treatment in neighboring news papers and other news media.
Very good! And you won't be too surprised to learn that Branchville's Mayor is also supporting a certain prominent politician known for shady deals as well, Hillary Clinton!