Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Second Revolution

Continuing to publish exerts from my book, also titled "New Wars" (see top right corner). I wrote the following allegory as a warning to those who play politics with the lives of our troops.

The “Long War” with the terrorists was finally over and a welcome, though unnatural peace now settled on the Middle East. Still, while America slowly rotted internally, an outside enemy had designs on the new Arab republics. Russia and China had grown increasingly jealous of American military successes, and were starved for oil. The two former Cold War rivals joined forces to grab the precious fuel reserves while America was complacent.

The battle weary US Army was caught off guard by the enemy blitzkrieg. It was a Battle of the Bulge, Yalu River, and Tet Offensive all rolled into one, as millions of the so called “Northern Alliance” flooded into the south, carrying all before them.

The Congress, its credibility waning for decades, saw in the catastrophe an opportunity to restore themselves in the eyes of the people. First they blamed the debacle on the military, who presence in the Middle East, they said, had intimidated the Russians and Chinese. Next, they accused the President of incompetence for not being aware of the enemy buildup. Finally they called for an “honorable withdrawal” of American troops which they claimed would appease the invaders.

Aided by the sensation seeking media, an able job was performed on convincing the public that our military had failed. Back home in the states, panic was widespread. Anti-war protests broke out nationwide as live photos of retreating Americans forces were published. Radical mobs blocked off the flow of vital war supplies for our troops to intimidate the politicians, and it worked. In a rare moment of consensus, Congress ordered the troops to return home. When the President balked at this violation of his Constitutional powers, he was impeached.

While the world braced themselves for an impending American Dunkirk, our troops were fighting back. When the top US commander was killed in a jeep accident, he was replaced by the brilliant young war hero Col. Arthur Maxwell. Given a battlefield promotion, he became Supreme Commander of the coalition which included Arab, Jewish, and Western armies.

Finally taking a stand at Jerusalem, the new Commander held the Alliance for a year, while he prepared his counter-offensive. With no supplies from home, the Coalition was amply equipped by Europe, who realized they would be next if Israel fell.

Maxwell, though vastly outnumbered, easily defeated the World War 2 style armies besieging him. He first launched an air assault across the Jordon using thousands of helicopters, capturing the enemy rear bases. Next his infantry launched a frontal assault, catching the enemy in a vice. The enemy was slaughtered enmasse and the great retreat of a year earlier became a glorious triumph of American arms.

With the east soon pacified and the Alliance licking their wounds, the commander prepared to return to America. Not, as Congress planned in shameful defeat, but as a conqueror! Maxwell and his sore but victorious troops planned for revenge on those who abandoned them to near destruction. The army landed not near Washington as expected, but farther south in Savannah Georgia. There they witnessed the vast stores of supplies which were denied them when so sorely needed. Anger seethed against Congress and the protesters.

In a reverse of Sherman’s March, Maxwell led his forces toward Atlanta, along the way leaving the bodies of many war protesters. This bold act brought to his side those Americans who supported the war, but were fearful to speak out. Capturing the satellite stations of the city, the commander broadcasted his demands to the Congress: resign now and prepare to answer for abandoning the Army and causing lawlessness and chaos throughout the nation. This demand of course was refused and Maxwell prepared for battle.

The greatest battle fought on American soil ended with the death of democracy on the continent. The crushed members of Congress either fell on the battlefield or fled the country into exile. The supreme moment came when on the steps of the Capitol, the American Army declared Maxwell the Supreme commander of the US, granting him all the powers of executive, judicial, and legislature.