Monday, March 31, 2008

Who Needed the Arrow?

The Canadians are a might touchy over their beloved but ultimately doomed Avro Arrow jet interceptor, likely the best and most costly warplane of the 1950's. Here's another view that declares the demise of the $12 million fighter a plus for the country's armed forces:

By astute bargaining, Pearkes obtained almost new supersonic
interceptors, with triple the Arrow's range, for $750,000 each, plus the
takeover of all Canadian DEW line radar sites built and operated by the U.S. The
supersonic Voodoo covered both continental defence and the surveillance of
Soviet long-range aircraft.
The displaced Avro workers were soon rehired by
Canadair to produce new CF-104 Starfighters at a savings of nine Starfighters
for each Arrow. These Starfighters countered the threat of a Soviet nuclear and
land attack in Europe.
Each of the eight Arrows cancelled paid for one new
gas-turbine destroyer to counter the Soviet submarines.

A new Canadian specialty, submarine hunting, formed around the
light carrier Bonaventure and the new high-speed destroyers. During the Cuban
missile crisis in October 1962, a renewed
Canadian fleet secured the North
Atlantic convoy routes.

Still, it would have been pretty cool, and America might have bought a few as well. Perish the thought!