Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Future Media

James Pinkerton predicts the rise of the state sponsored media in America:

This is the future of media: Some elements of the MSM will survive, probably. Bloggers will thrive, of course, but 99.9 percent of them are amateurs, without so many as one full-time employee. What will survive and thrive for sure, however, is the SOMSM. Every country with ambitions on the international stage will soon have its own state-supported media.
If war is too important to be left to generals, then news is too important to be left to reporters. Governments, including ours, have their own ideas, and they want to share them with us, the people -- like it or not.

I guess I agree. Just looking at the state of the MSM since the start of the GWOT, its obvious they are unable to report the news "fair and balanced". Usually it is spouted in the form of opinion, whether from a conservative or liberal viewpoint. This might have been good 60 years ago, when everyone was on the same page of fighting the evil of communism. Now some think that America is the problem rather than the solution. A nation can't survive if its citizens no longer have faith in themselves.