Friday, July 14, 2006

Dems Dishonor War Dead

Another example of how the Left really supports the troops, by exploiting them for their own purposes:

Democrats have "sunk to a new low" by releasing a "shameless" fund-raising video with images of dead American soldiers, critics charge.
The video from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) shows U.S. flag-draped coffins loaded on an airplane, and a standing rifle supporting the helmet of a fallen GI, in a montage of "things that are wrong with America."

But when Republicans tried to use images from 9/11 in campaign ads, the Democrats howled:

...when President Bush showed images of September 11 in a 2004 campaign commercial, Democratic National Committee Press Secretary Tony Welch said it "was simply wrong for the president to use images of the 9/11 tragedy for political purposes."

Where are the protests now? Certainly not from the mainstream media. Their silence speaks volumes.