Friday, July 28, 2006

John Kerry's Latest Burlesque

This take on the Senator's whistlestop at a Detroit Bar and Grill is by John Burtis:

And now we find that they’ve put a bone in Mr. Kerry’s craw, too - the same Mr. Kerry who wants to get us away from fighting in Iraq, who wants us to run home from the war on terror, who prefers a quick calling of victory and a beating of feet for home, who voted against funding the war after he voted for it, that old pal of Honest John Murtha, or some such. You see, Mr. Smallweed from Massachusetts saw the light last Sunday for a few minutes in the Motor City, or so he claims.
Now, with some new steel in his plasticine spine, thanks to some handy courage courtesy of the heady atmosphere and the ready inventory afloat in Honest John’s, Mr. Kerry now calls for a greater military offensive than the one we are currently embroiled in, shunning his recent reluctance to fight anywhere for anything of value or American lives.
"Hezbollah guerillas should have been targeted with the other terrorist organizations, such as al-Qaida and the Taliban…We have to destroy Hezbollah."
Forsaking all of his other speeches on the great follies of the Bush administration, forgetting his torpid folderol on the wrong war in the wrong place for the all wrong reasons, and briefly turning his back on his trusted paladins in the anti-war crowd, a newly minted John Kerry, at least in the confines of Honest John’s, no relation, has declared war on Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, and the Taliban.

But don't foget, Kerry was for the War on Terror before he was against it, so he get's to change his mind, again.