Monday, July 24, 2006

Other Liberal Appeasers

Its not just an American problem, according to Arthur Weinreb:

Last week the opposition Liberals issued a statement critical of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s foreign policy, arguing that Canada needs to get back to its role as an intermediary. In other words, we should sit down with terrorists groups such as Hezbollah and presumably Hamas and talk. They like us so we can convince them to give up their terrorist ways. This desire to sit down and talk to terrorists brings appeasement to a whole new level that Neville Chamberlain would find hard to imagine.
According to interim leader Bill Graham, Israel’s actions are destabilizing Lebanon’s democracy and the entire Middle East. Not surprisingly, Graham has no suggestions of what Israel should do about the constant barrage of missiles that are reigning down on it. It’s not really important to the Liberals.

Nothing is important to Liberals. Only Peace, Peace at any cost, even freedom.