Saturday, August 05, 2006

Bill Would Punish Leakers

At least it would become easier to prosecute those in the government who threaten our security:

U.S. Senator Kit Bond, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, today introduced legislation aimed at cracking down on intelligence leaks by government employees or contractors by making it easier for the government to prosecute and punish those who make public America's sensitive intelligence programs.
"Leaks expose our methods of apprehending the enemy and erode the confidence of our allies," said Bond. "Over the past year there has arisen an apparent absence of fear of punishment in regards to the arbitrary divulging of classified information...Under Bond's bill, individuals are subject to prosecution if they "knowingly and willfully" disclose classified information to someone they know is not authorized to receive it.
Individuals convicted of improper disclosures would face a fine and up to three years imprisonment.

Sounds kind of lenient, but its a start.