Tuesday, August 08, 2006

How Liberals Fight Terrorism #3

Giving Hezbollah terrorists legitamacy, this is by William Arkin at the Washington Post:

Let Hezbollah (and Hamas) Govern
In the so-called war against terrorism, Bush administration ideologues and government "strategic communicators" would have us believe that we face a singular evil alliance.
Osama bin Laden would like you equally to believe that disparate groups are one entity united under the al Qaeda banner, a vast underground with armies and adherents strong enough to threaten the west, or at least the current Middle East governments.
Bin Laden may be as wrong as President Bush in lumping Hezbollah and al Qaeda together, but he is more accurate than the current administration in understanding the longing of the common Muslim citizen for a defender, any defender...

Labeling Hezbollah "terrorist" and making believe we can eliminate Hezbollah by taking away its missiles today is doing exactly what Rice says she is trying to avoid: creating the launching pad for just another confrontation months or years from now.