Friday, August 04, 2006

What Do They Want?

"They" being the radicals of Islam, according to Oliver North:

Regardless of origin -- Sunni or Shia -- "they" share critical common ground. They all despise Judeo-Christian values, institutions and individuals and are committed to "ridding" Islamic lands of Western "occupation." They are all "non-state" entities -- claiming independence of any government -- but rely on support from radical Islamic entities awash in petro-dollars. All carry out attacks with ruthless brutality without regard for their victims. All regard Israel and America as abominations, share the aim of "liberating" Jerusalem and envision a "Caliphate" that extends from Casablanca in the west to Indonesia in the east. This is "what they want."

...This theme, repeated in today's newspapers, magazines, "newscasts," and political stump speeches, is a minor variation on the kind of thinking that succeeded so brilliantly with Adolf Hitler. He too had written and spoken widely of his aspirations for global domination and ethnic cleansing. Yet, even after he had re-armed and commenced fulfilling his twisted dreams of "purification" and expansion, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was able to proclaim "Peace for our time," after returning from Munich in September 1938. Less than a year later, the Führer plunged the world into a global conflagration. The willful ignorance of weak-willed democratic leaders bent on appeasing evil did not spare their populations then -- nor will it today.

The theme here: no ceasefire with Hezbollah, no pullout in Iraq.