Friday, October 13, 2006

Bush Misunderestimated

He has the Democrats eating their words, according to David Limbaugh:

First, he said he would not be intimidated from using the Democrats' words against them by their false charge that he was questioning their patriotism. He will continue to call their position on Iraq "cut and run," because it's an accurate descriptor. He noted that Sen. Kerry had advocated a date certain for withdrawal from Iraq, which amounts to "cutting and running" before the mission -- enabling Iraq to "defend itself, sustain itself and govern itself" -- is complete.
In the turning-their-words-against-them department, President Bush also cited House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's laughable assertion that she "loves tax cuts." President Bush allowed as how he found this quite curious, given Pelosi's record of always voting for tax increases. Boy is the truth painful to its strangers!

Second, the president not only refused -- "for about the fifth time" -- to acknowledge that invading Iraq was a mistake. He got right back in their faces and affirmed, defiantly, that it was the right thing to do -- and said he couldn't wait until we could have an actual debate on this subject. He was daring Democrats to defend the Saddam regime, what with its use of WMD, its systematic torture and its burying alive of its own people -- not to mention its support of terrorists.

Are Dems hypocrites? Only everytime they open their mouths!