Monday, October 16, 2006

Democrat's Message is Murky

W. Thomas Smith, Jr lists the Democrat's record for (not) fighting terrorism:

The Democrats have for decades consistently voted against an effective missile defense shield for the continental United States. The Dems, more than anyone else, were responsible for gutting our human-intelligence (spies on the ground) capability over the years. And it was the Dems who permitted the sale of sensitive defense technologies to the Chinese in the 1990’s.
The Dems voted for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, but now contend they supported the invasion based on lies and bogus intelligence, and that they should somehow not be faulted for that (What happened to Democrat Harry Truman’s “The buck stops here?”).
The Dems also say they support the troops. Yet they accuse the troops – prior to any charges, trials, or convictions – of “murdering” civilians “in cold blood” (ala John Murtha). They say the troops are “terrorizing” families in their homes (ala John Kerry). They say that the troops’ commander-in-chief is “encouraging and countenancing torture” (ala John Conyers). And who might the CiC be “encouraging” to commit those tortures? Who else, but the troops?The Dems see the war on terror as more of a law enforcement operation than a military operation: They’ve said so, and often.
They’ve vocally opposed the Patriot Act.

Here's my own list in How Liberals Fight Terrorism.