Thursday, October 12, 2006

Good News for GOP

This according to the Washington Post via Donald Lambro:

For starters, GOP strategists took comfort in the Post's finding (buried deeply in the story) that "60 percent of those surveyed in the new poll said they approve of the performance of their own member."

As for the House-page scandal, polls show it will have little impact on how people vote. Only two in 10 said it would in the Post survey. This is confirmed by the GOP's own internal polling in the past week. "The anger at the grassroots is geared toward one man, Mark Foley," a senior party official said. Meanwhile, despite the Democrats' relentless criticism that Iraq has little or nothing to do with the war on terrorism, 51 percent still "agreed with (President) Bush's argument that Iraq is a front in the global campaign against terrorism," the Post said.

As for the Democrats' anti-war push for getting out of Iraq, "there is no significant support for withdrawing U.S. forces immediately," the Post said. Only one-fifth would support such a move.

And Democrat smear tactics are backfiring, as conservative troops mobilize:

Polls show the Republicans have rallied around their embattled president and party. The Post poll said 82 percent of Republicans approved of the job Bush was doing, up from 68 percent in May.

As long as we ignore the Democrat's hit-men in the MSM, it will be clear sailing in November.

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