Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Michael J. Fox Not Above Criticism

Rush Limbaugh is right on the money saying Democrats are taking advantage of actor Michael J. Fox for political gain. What I’ve never understood is how these actors go through life having a good time (as they should, it’s the American Dream right?). Then they contract some disease and suddenly become crusaders looking for someone to blame. Inevitably they end up testifying before Congress questioning why the government, with all it has to do already, hasn’t spent enough money curing their particular ailment. A real concerned star and an example to all of us, is comedian Jerry Lewis, for years a fund raiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Unlike Fox, Lewis didn’t wait until he contracted MD to do something about it, and he also didn’t pander to the Feds but appealed directly to the American Public in his very famous Labor Day telethons.

Democrats prefer using victims like Michael J. Fox as their spokesman on controversial issues, because we would be shamed to disagree with them. It is the Left’s subtle way of squelching Free Speech and furthering their agenda. Thus, Ann Coulter is demonized for daring to criticize the Jersey Girls, or Swift Boat Vets are themselves “swiftboated” for questioning John Kerry’s war record, and Rush Limbaugh can’t disprove Fox’s view on stem cell research.

Rush is right and Michael should be ashamed, not for his illness but for allowing himself to be exploited for dubious science.