Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Missed Murtha Scandal

Diana Irey fills us in:

The first scandal, or course, is the Mark Foley congressional page scandal.The second scandal—most likely still unknown to you, almost three weeks after it went public—is the unveiling, for the first time ever, of the full 54-minute FBI Abscam surveillance video showing U.S. Rep. Jack Murtha (D.-Pa.) negotiating a $50,000 cash bribe from a man he believed to be an agent of a rich Arab sheik—but who was in reality an undercover agent for the FBI.The video, available at www.YouDon’, proves that Jack Murtha has been lying for 26 years about his involvement in Abscam, the biggest congressional corruption scandal in history.

Begs the question: what if Jack Murtha was Republican? He'd be toast.