Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The upcoming Democratic burlesque

John Burtis fires both barrels against those dreaming of a Democrat controlled Congress:

Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, our two most hopelessly ineffectual, personally destructive, and selflessly indulgent former chief executives, have made new careers out of wandering the world and holding the applause meter up in the air to gauge how poorly we're thought of. Their cheap jacking of America has known no bounds and set standards hard to surpass by any future chief executive, save one released from the very asylum where these two racket pedaling churls belong.
According to these two erudite of our most deeply biased itinerant America bashers, we need a brand new socialist government to fit in internationally. A government that will appeal to the likes Jacques Chirac, Idi Amin, Juan Bokasa, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Kim Jong Il, and the rest of those who have complained about us so bitterly for so terribly long.
And a liberal cabal led by the likes of that roving robber baron Harry "Don't Fence me In" Reid, the antique rocking chair thief Hillary Clinton, that proud easily incensed red house operating Barney Frank, the presidential impeachment impresario Charlie Wrangel, the cut and run and cut again Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the privacy knight errant Chuck Schumer, and the rest of those tiny torquemadas of the progressive chicken coop, are now acceptable to the world's most legitimate and effete judges of character, balance, and decency. And they are just what the hectored dictators and jet-setting pimps are calling for.
