Thursday, October 19, 2006

Working for the Enemy No Biggie

For CNN, apparently its a mandate. Via Opinion Journal:

Almost 2,800 Americans have been killed so far in Iraq and one of the most dangerous insurgent opponents is the sniper. CNN has obtained graphic video from the Islamic Army of Iraq, one of the most active insurgent organizations in Iraq, showing its sniper teams targeting U.S. troops. The Islamist Army says it wants talks with the United States and some Islamist Internet postings call for a P.R. campaign aimed at influencing the American public. The video is disturbing to watch but CNN believes the story, shocking as it is, needs to be told.

Here's the photo. My question is, when does all this become treason? Looking at all the footage of a negative slant coming from the MSM, its not hard to see who's side they are on. But God Bless Our Troops!