Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Surge Gains Support

Among Iraqs many tribal parties, according to Omar Fadhil via Pajamas Media:

Overall, the security operation continues to gain more support among the political parties, including some that were skeptical in the beginning out of fear the operation would not be impartial. Today a spokesman of the Accord Front, to which VP Hashimi and deputy PM Zobaie belong, affirmed the AF’s support for the ongoing operation saying, “Our bloc, seeing the security forces covering Baghdad’s districts and operating without discrimination, is now convinced that the operation is unbiased.”

Plus a familiar quote:

On the other hand extremist parties of both sects continue their criticism of the operation, in stupid and somewhat amusing ways.

The same could be said for extremists in Congress!

Also in America, Frank Warner reports on a slight "surge" in support.