Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Battle of Britain

The United Kingdom continues to be the West's last line of defense in the War on Terror. With a large and apparently ungrateful Muslim populace, the mother country is frequently under siege of late from terrorist radicals. So far, there has been no successful attack on the scale of Sept. 11, 2001, but those which have occurred are enough to plead for constant vigilance.

Of course the question is, just as during those dark days of World War 2, can England take it? She currently has a new and untried Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and though he has served for years under the tutelage of the dynamic Tony Blair, it remains to be seen what his actions will be when faced with the critical issue of our times, the threat from Radical Islam. So far so good, though.

As bad as the recent terror attacks on Britain are, and they certainly could have been worse, they come as a timely reminder who the real enemy is. This brash affront to the British/American Coalition proves that now is not the time to show weakness in the face of provocation, in Iraq or elsewhere.