Gloom and Doom
This article to me is further proof how our society has become dependent on the Military-Industrial Complex, at the expense of real National Security. Listen to Gov. Mark Warner of Virginia describe a Katrina-like catastrophe if his state loses an air base:
The governor forecast a string of events that amount to an economic doomsday scenario for the area. While no one else is making the argument, Warner suggested that once the jets are gone, one could argue that the aircraft carriers based in Norfolk should go too. After those two body blows leave the area with a watered-down military presence, the Joint Forces Command also would be vulnerable to relocation.
This perfect storm of military realignment would drain the area of thousands of jobs and derail its progress toward becoming a hub for modeling and simulation, he predicted.
“If you think this is just about the jets, then I have some swamp land down South to sell you,” he said. “This is not just a Virginia Beach issue, but one that affects the whole region.”
This is where your tax dollars are going. Not to defend you from 21st Century terrorists who fly commercial jets into buildings, or blow themselves up on your doorstep,but for fighting the Soviets, all for the sake of votes and jobs. You could almost hear a collective sob from American industry when the Iron Curtain went down.