Friday, December 09, 2005

Keeping Terrorists Far, Far Away

A US general oints to a recent terrorist attack that killed 30 Iraqi civilians as why we must continue the fight "Over There". From Spacewar:

Army Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch pointed to today's terrorist bombing of a passenger bus in Baghdad that killed almost 30 Iraqis as a key rationale for American forces to be in Iraq. Lynch is a spokesman for Multinational Force Iraq...
"We want to defeat the terrorists here in Iraq," Lynch said, "so similar events don't happen in London, in Washington, back in our hometowns."

And our troops are very successful in their mission:

"We believe our operations continue to isolate the insurgents," Lynch said, "and we'll continue to focus these operations to defeat the terrorists and foreign fighters and to disrupt the insurgency."
Foreign terrorists, who conduct 95 percent of the suicide bomb attacks in Iraq, have been ejected from the western Euphrates River Valley, Lynch said, as the result of recent combined military operations featuring U.S., coalition and Iraqi forces.