Friday, December 09, 2005

Pentagon's 2 War Plan

If you have a coastline on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, this is pretty much a given that you fight 2 wars at a time. From the Washington Times:

The Pentagon, in a major four-year decision, has decided to stick with having the capability of being able to fight two major conflicts at once, The Washington Times has learned. Two officials said that when the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) is completed next month, it will retain the requirement that the Pentagon maintain active forces and reserves able to repel and occupy an enemy in one war and defeat a second enemy but not necessarily occupy the capital.

With a military far smaller in size than in the Cold War, here is how the Pentagon will pull this off:

Officials think that transforming the 10-division active Army into 70 mobile brigades allows the service to meet future challenges with fewer soldiers. "The new brigades are so much more mobile and lethal than they used to be," said a senior defense official, citing better precision-guided weapons, improved intelligence links and shorter logistics tail. "They are easier to get to the fight. ... A new Army brigade has more firepower than an old Army division." Likewise, Navy planners think the fleet today, with 11 carrier battle groups instead of 12, represents more firepower because of better weapons and intelligence links. "We're able to be more lethal with lower numbers," said the source, who, like the other official, asked not to be named.

Amen. Its the Revolution in Military Affairs.