Thursday, December 08, 2005

Whipping the Vietnam Syndrome

This editorial says the Vietnam Syndrome is alive and well in Washington and the Old Media, but not necessarily with the American public:

Americans lost their fear of body bags, I wrote after 9/11. Americans would fight in Iraq. The Vietnam syndrome, I said, was dead.
I was wrong. The Vietnam syndrome is alive and well in significant segments of the Democratic party. It is kicking among Republicans and thrives in the media commentariat.
But there are signs the American public at large is a lesser host. Americans, it looks, still don't like to cut and run; and George W. Bush, the perpetually underestimated president, knows it.

I agree! If we believe that government can't live our lives for us, lets prove them wrong. Support the troops and the President, ignore the media body count and lets whip this malaise once and for all! We can do it, by God cause we're Americans!!!