Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Zarqawi Video

CentCom has a translation and this analysis:

Arab media and on-line reaction notes that this is the first time Zarqawi has shown himself. Some commentary views this as a sign of weakness in the face of political progress being made in Iraq. Other commentary reiterates criticism of Zarqawi's tactics, which target innocent Muslims and undermine the legitimacy of the Iraqi insurgency. Al-Arabiya featured an Egyptian analyst who said that both Zarqawi and bin Laden "are trying to assert the existence and strength of the organization." The program also featured the Iraqi national security advisor asserting that Zarqawi's people are killing Iraqi civilians. Al-Jazeera prominently featured State Department official Alberto Fernandez, who predicted the terrorist's message would be rejected not only in the West but in the East, adding that the tape demonstrates Zarqawi's desperation. Online commentary discusses Zarqawi's character. Bloggers refer to him as a "bloody psychopath," "criminal," and "terrorist;" a minority support him as a leader of the "resistance" in Iraq. Interestingly, many said the video refutes the popular theory that Zarqawi is an imaginary bogeyman created by the Americans to justify US actions.