Friday, September 22, 2006

Aircraft Carrier Vs. Cruise Missile 10

This is from a blog article entitled Nuclear Weapon Doctrine of India:

ii) End of Carrier Age
SINKING THE US SEVENTH FLEET: Technology exists that would allow Indian Navy, by using missiles, satellite sensors, powerful munitions and nuclear nukes, to sink the US carrier fleets and their support vessels. The US led revolution in precision weapons allows the United States to engage and defeat much larger air forces and land forces. The revolution in precision weapons would also allow India to deny the United States to project its forces across the oceans and supply and sustain them there. Since the revolution in precision weapons makes this impossible, then the United States, which initiated the revolution in military warfare, will turn out to the net strategic loser. Nuclear India should deploy US precision munition technology to sink US carrier fleets in the times of war. It is in the geopolitical interest of India to use smart tactical nuclear weapons to deny the Maritime powers of United States and Britain the control of the seas. Smart weapons can destroy the maritime economic infrastructure by sinking merchant ships.

THREAT OF INTELLIGENT ANTI-SHIP PROJECTILES: The threat posed by faster and more efficient projectiles, whose launch sites neither can be located nor destroyed, imposes a tremendous defensive burden on the US carrier fleets. The fiendishly expensive US Navy's Aegis ship-defense system, is designed to destroy every incoming projectile. As the sinking of the USS Stark demonstrated when an Iraqi Mirage attacked it without a warning, a single error would result in catastrophe. This necessitates the diversion of greater and greater resources for the primary naval offensive mission to the task of ship self-defense. The revolution in smart weapons is pushing carrier battle groups, the foundation of the American maritime power, towards geopolitical senility. The cost of merely keeping alive the carrier battle groups will undermine the general capacity of the US Navy to carry out its global strategic offensive missions. Indian nuclear weapons doctrine advocates the preemptive use of tactical nuclear weapons against hostile aircraft carriers after the declaration of war. Smart tactical nuclear weapons make carrier battle group's geopolitical dinosaurs. No sensible US president should ever dispatch the Seventh Fleet to Bay of Bengal on a hostile mission.

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