Monday, October 30, 2006

Democrats Supressing the Vote

Amazingly, against their own constituents. From Rush Limbaugh:

The Democrats are saying all this stuff and so what they've done essentially is tell their voters, "Hey, your vote is not being counted, the Republicans are stealing your vote, your vote doesn't matter," so they're suppressing their own turnout, and of course they have really zeroed in on black votes in this regard. Even in Florida in 2000, they really focused on how the black vote was not counted, how blacks were not allowed to stand in line, not allowed to vote. All these things, all these charges, the constant charge of racism that the Democrats have leveled has created in the minds of many of their own voters, "What the hell, man, it doesn't matter, my vote's going to get stolen, or it's going to get counted for somebody else, why show up?"

So keep those conspiracy theories coming Dems! Better for Republicans next week.