Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cheney slams Reid

The VP is on the attack for our troops and the war. From the Washington Times:

Vice President Dick Cheney yesterday criticized Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid for making "uninformed and misleading" statements about the
war in Iraq. "What is most troubling about Mr. Reid's
comments yesterday is his defeatism," the vice president said in a rare Capitol
Hill press conference. "Indeed, last week, he said the
war is already lost, and the timetable legislation he is pursuing would
guarantee defeat."

Then Reid turned to name-calling, before he said he wouldn't:

"The president sends out his attack dog often, also known as Dick
Cheney, and he was here again today attacking not only me, but the Democratic
Caucus," he said... "I am not going to get into a name-calling
match with somebody who has a 9 percent approval rating," Mr. Reid said.

Apparently, Reid once supported name-calling, but now he doesn't.

Plus Austin Bay acknowledges "Firing Reid as Senate majority leader would send a useful if belated political signal that Harry Truman and FDR haven't been expelled from the Democratic Party."

Also, fact-checks Harry Reid's "9%" statement.