Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rep. Hunter Calls On Reid To Resign

The anti-war Left is feeling the heat. From Sayanythingblog:

Rep. Duncan Hunter called Wednesday for Sen. Harry Reid to resign
his post as Senate majority leader over remarks that the senator made last week
that the war in Iraq “is lost” if the United States continues on its current
Hunter, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, is
the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee.
“In my opinion Sen.
Reid, having made that statement, which can only have a demoralizing effect on
our troops and an effect of encouragement of the adversary, I think it would be
appropriate for Sen. Reid to resign his position as the leader of the United
States Senate,” he said.

In a related story, this headline has been at the top of Yahoo Homepage all day, even while others news was updated below:

Democrats predict they can win Iraq vote

What Media bias, eh?