Thursday, April 19, 2007

No deaths in 300 attacks on Anti-Mine Vehicles

Those built right here in Charleston by Force Protection Inc. From Marine Corps Times:

In more than 300 attacks since last year, no Marines have died
while riding in new fortified armored vehicles the Pentagon hopes to rush to
Iraq in greater numbers this year, a top Marine commander in Anbar province
Brig. Gen. John Allen, deputy commander of coalition forces in Anbar,
said the Marines tracked attacks on the vehicles since January 2006. The
vehicles’ raised, V-shaped hulls deflect the force of blasts from homemade bombs
buried in roadways...

The Marines operate about 100 of the Mine Resistant Ambush
Protected vehicles and want an additional 3,000 in Anbar. Marine Corps
Commandant Gen. James Conway told the Joint Chiefs of Staff last month that he
wants to require every Marine traveling outside bases to ride in the
“It’s a great vehicle in terms of protecting troops,” Allen

Its good to know a company based right here in SC is helping to save the lives of our brave men and women overseas.
Plus, The Weekly Standard gives an interesting alternative view on MRAPs.