Worst Decision in the History of News
NBC made a big mistake in airing the Cho video (now pulled), and Hugh Hewitt told them so:We quickly agreed that any video should not be shown, and
while I think that Howard thought perhaps a picture could be aired, I and the
live audience I was broadcasting in front of disagreed. I would have
published --instantly-- the text of the killer's statement's for the public to
read, but I would have denied the killer the instant video glorification he so
obviously desired, an immortalization which other deranged killers of the future
will almost certainly seek to emulate. NBC decided differently...NBC now
stands for Nothing But Contempt for its audience. It was a shameful thing
that the network did, and I doubt I will ever willingly watch NBC
news again. Will even one "journalist" have the spine to quit?
My first thought when Fox was showing exerts this morning was "now there's a way to encourage copycat crimes". And haven't the victim's family suffered enough without making this guy some kind of martyr?