The Truth About Walter Reed
Brutally Honest asks someone who was there, an Iraq War Vet:He also told me he had spent 8 months at Walter Reed. I asked
him how that went, not helping but to think that it must have been tough given
all the negative press. He told me it had been great, that he had
met some of the most caring and compassionate staff and that they had helped him
immensely as he healed. And he added, knowing at this point that I'd ask,
the facilities were great. I shook my head and said simply, that's not
what's being reported now is it. He said that the problems at Walter Reed
must've been in an area of the facility that he simply didn't see. His
stay, he said, was simply great. In fact, so great, that when he was
approached by local media about that stay, they didn't want to hear much about
the positive, they kept drilling him for something negative, something he said
he simply couldn't deliver with integrity.
I had no doubt at the time that this story was being overblown, as is most negative news about our troops and the war. To the MSM, its all about getting Bush, and not about saving our butts from Radical Islam.