Thursday, May 10, 2007

You Want Good News From Iraq?

The Chicago Tribune pleads the case that the Surge is working:

Al Qaeda's terrorists in Iraq now face a new enemy: Sunni tribesmen
in Anbar Province. These tribal leaders in the heart of the insurgency are now
backing coalition and Iraqi forces against the terrorists.You want good news
from Iraq? There it is, in flashing neon.These Anbar leaders aren't just jawing.
Thousands of Sunnis have rushed to join local police forces, with tribal
leaders' encouragement. "The progress has inspired an optimism in the American
command that, among some officials, borders on giddiness," The New York Times
reported. "There are some people who would say we've won the war out here," one
Marine officer said.

But what about Congress' desperate bid to defund the war?

Many in Congress and across America will say any progress in Iraq
is too little too late. They believe, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
(D-Nev.) has said, that the war is lost.But it is not.

But isn't Al Qaeda growing stronger with each car bomb?

In a Web video posted last weekend, Al Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman
al-Zawahri, declared victory in Iraq. He pointed to the withdrawal timetables in
the bill that Congress passed and President Bush vetoed.He's wrong. That's not
proof of defeat; it's proof of growing American impatience...

Remember: Al Qaeda doesn't have a Plan B.

That last quote is my favorite! Cheney's trip this week to the war zone expounds America's growing frustration, but this in itself is not a weakness. We just want to get the job done, and bring the troops home. But the important thing is getting the job done.