"Fight for Victory Tour"
Received this in the comments section:Hi Mike, thanks so much for blogging on Vets For Freeedom's
efforts. They've done an awesome job the past few weeks. I invite you and your
readers to join us at Move America Forward as we launch our national,
cross-country "Fight for Victory Tour" this September 3 - 15 ending in DC where
we'll have a rally with a collection of pro-troop groups including Vets for
Freedom, Gathering of Eagles, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Free Republic,
Protest Warriors and others. It's a vital time for us to be mobilized and
speaking out and it's for such a just, worthy, noble, and pertinent cause. So
let's kick some butt and stand up to those who wish to force surrender terms
upon our troops! http://www.MoveAmericaForward.org
A Great bunch of Patriots who do a worthy service for our troops. What you don't hear much in the Media is when these guys congregate on Washington, they often outnumber the war protesters!