Questions we'd like to ask
If he could get by CNN censors, here are some questions a Citadel Cadet would like to ask the Democrat Presidential contenders in Charleston tonight:
What initiatives, such as the Solomon amendment, have they
sponsored to strengthen recruiting efforts for our all-volunteer force?
Unlike The Citadel, many high schools and colleges nationwide restrict the
access students have to meet with military recruiters on campus and refuse to
host the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC). What have these
candidates done to expand our military, such as pushing for a military presence
on campus at schools like Harvard, Yale, and Stanford?
If we can all agree
that America is the best country in the world, then why can’t we agree that
America should be readily protected by the strongest military in the world and
that having the strongest military in the world means we need to encourage as
many people from as many places as possible to serve voluntarily?
Furthermore, can’t we all agree that members of the military should be treated
with the utmost respect at all times through words and, much more importantly,
It does seem hypocritical to support the troops but not the war. The question I'd like to ask them is Have You Forgotten?